🌳27 aug - PicniCool MD
📖 3 sept - Church meeting
📖 10 sept - Church meeting
📖 17 sept - Church meeting
TIME: 17:00 - 19:00
*The celebration meeting with the whole church takes place 3 times a month. We dedicate the 4th meeting to extended family time within the Missionary Communities. So, before you visit us at the Valaori 20 location, please check our appointment calendar shown above which we will be constantly updating.
Also, for real-time updated information, you can also follow us on our social media accounts on Facebook or Instagram.
Trăim într-o lume în care valorile sunt negociabile, adevărul devine opÈ›ional, iar credinÈ›a e pusă la încercare la fiecare pas. Suntem înconjuraÈ›i de presiuni, frici È™i provocări care încearcă să ne clatine convingerile.
Cum rămâi ferm când totul în jurul tău pare să se prăbuÈ™ească? Cum te înarmezi nu cu ce oferă cultura, ci cu ceea ce contează cu adevărat? Cum supravieÈ›uieÈ™ti spiritual în vremuri dificile?
Vino alături de noi duminica aceasta să parcurgem împreună 2 Timotei È™i să descoperim un Ghid de supravieÈ›uire (spirituală), ancorat în adevărul care rămâne neschimbat!

Our name, Missio Dei, is a Latin expression meaning "Missionary God" or "Mission of God." We believe that God is the first person to initiate a mission of cosmic proportions.
He created a perfect world, but because of the sin of Adam and Eve, that perfect world was and continues to be deeply affected. Later, God also came into this hostile world, and "while we were still sinners, Jesus died for us" (Romans 5: 8).
God's plan is that one day His entire creation will be restored (Romans 8: 20-25, Revelation 21:22). He is currently saving and restoring the people He calls in His mission.
We chose this name because it reminds us that our story is intertwined with God's Mission.
God created all things good and perfect. We ourselves exist because of His goodness and the fact that He keeps us alive.
However, people rebelled against God, and chose to follow their own ways and desires, independent of Him.
But because He loved His creation, man, so much, He sent His only Son, Jesus, into the world, so that He might live the life we were to live and be punished with the death we were to suffer.
God now wants us to be part of His universal plan to restore all things to right relationship with Him through His Son Jesus Christ. This is the best news,
The Gospel!
God created all things good and perfect. We ourselves exist because of His goodness and the fact that He keeps us alive.
However, people rebelled against God, and chose to follow their own ways and desires, independent of Him.
But because He loved His creation, man, so much, He sent His only Son, Jesus, into the world, so that He might live the life we were to live and be punished with the death we were to suffer.
God now wants us to be part of His universal plan to restore all things to right relationship with Him through His Son Jesus Christ. This is the best news,
The Gospel!

Our vision is to glorify God through a missionary church planting movement in Bucharest and beyond. We want to see our city filled with communities of people living as God's family with the mission to restore all things to a good relationship with God the Father by loving, serving, and caring for people as Jesus did.

In Jesus we have a new identity based on what He has done for us, which dictates the way we live.
What we do stems from who we are.
Our new identity has 4 aspects that are simultaneously true.
Iuliu Valaori Street 20, Bucharest
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Monday - Friday :
11 am - 4 pm
© Missio Dei Bucharest